Current Human Impacts

Current Human Impacts
           The current human impact on the tropical dry forests of Hawaii are currently in a bad condition. The continuous use of land for agriculture and animal grazing have consistently deteriorated the tropical dry forests over time. Though the land was burned years ago for agriculture and animal grazing, but the impact is still shown today. The effects can be seen since the current land suffers and can no longer recover from the forest fires. At the moment, humans have been cutting down these tropical dry forests in order to build new structures and profit from


            The future for tropical dry forest of Hawaii is currently looking down. With the constant use of these lands for agriculture and land development, the tropical dry forests are being continuously cut down. With buildings being set over these lands, there is no room for these tropical dry forests to live and sustain life anymore. Currently, the number of tropical dry forests have been decreasing and it is becoming increasingly hard to preserve these natural forests. If the current human impact continues to grow, most of the tropical dry forests of Hawaii will diminish and cease to exist.(5)