What can be done to improve human impact?

This picture shows the relationship human
impact has on the dry tropical forests now and in the future.
Some scientists have begun investigative research in Hawaiian Tropical Dry Forests for controlling alien species invasions and to reestablish native species. Currently, over 25% of the officially listed endangered plant species in the Hawaiian flora are from the dry forest ecosystem and therefore the ecosystem is at serious risk of losing much of its biodiversity in the future if humans continue to impact the environment and do nothing to reestablish native species. The preservation of dry forest is also important for both biological and cultural reasons, because native Hawaiians used many of the endangered species. Therefore, there are several things that can be done to reduce disturbances, both natural and human caused such as, fire management, alien species management, provide economic incentives, reintroduction of native species, management of fences.


Daisy Gallegos